​Congratulations – you’ve flown through the first round and been called back for a second interview. If anything, second interviews can be more daunting than first interviews – the relief that you’ve got the first one over and done with quickly dissipates once you realise you have to do it all over again (this time with added pressure!). But don’t panic – we’re here to help you prepare and ace this second round.

Before you start worrying, remember this: you’ve been called back for a reason! If you’ve done well enough to be called back to a second interview, you’re doing something right. Make sure you ask for feedback from your first interview, and incorporate this into your second interview to show that you’ve listened and improved. This will stand you in good stead and give a good impression of what you would be like as part of the team.

Follow these tips to succeed:

  1. Find out as much information prior to the interview as possible. What format will it take? Will it be a presentation, a written task, a meeting with senior staff, a group interview? The more prepared you are, the more you can do in advance to visualise how the interview will go and calm your nerves.

  2. If the second interview is presentation-based, you can have a look at our tips here. The key is practice, practice and – you guessed it – more practice!

  3. Does the second interview involve a task? Take a look at our tips here that cover how to write a sample blog as part of an interview task.

  4. Meeting with senior staff as part of your second interview? Ask your contact at the company (be it the Hiring Manager or HR Manager) for the names of those you’ll be meeting, and put your social media stalking skills to the test – take a look on LinkedIn and the company website to find out more about your interviewers to find common ground and to show you’re interested in their background.

  5. Group interviews can take a few different forms, but as a general rule you need to ensure you don’t shy away from interaction, but equally don’t overpower everyone in the room! Getting the balance right is hard, but it’s important to show that you value others’ opinions whilst holding strong on expressing your own.

You can do this – the second interview is often the last hurdle before a job offer. Good luck!